The Forest Society conserves land and manages forests, but people — our members, donors, and volunteers — are our greatest asset.
Your gifts protect the mountains, fields, forests, and waters that make New Hampshire an exceptional place to live, work and visit. There are many ways to support the Forest Society, including donating to our Annual Fund, giving to a land protection project, and joining us a member!
You may donate online by clicking one of the following links, through the mail (Attn. Anne Truslow), or over the phone by calling (603) 224-9945. Checks may be made payable to SPNHF or The Forest Society - please note in the memo line the purpose of your gift. We are a registered 501c3 nonprofit. Our Taxpayer Identification Number is 02-0222237. For its sound fiscal management and commitment to accountability and transparency, the Forest Society has received Charity Navigator's highest rating.
Ways to Support the Forest Society:
Donate Now to our Annual Fund
It's the easiest way to show your support! The Forest Society's Annual Fund supports the full spectrum of our work to conserve and care for lands and waters across the state and to engage people through education, advocacy, and events that foster appreciation and action on behalf of our great outdoors. You can also donate in honor or memory of a loved one.
Membership Makes a Difference
Our members are part of a tight knit group of dedicated people who all share a similar goal – to preserve the open spaces that make New Hampshire so special. You can also give a membership as a gift and join as a business member.
Give to a Land Protection Project
Each year, the Forest Society works in partnership with landowners, neighbors, donors, grantmaking organizations, partner land trusts, conservation commissions and local and state governments to identify and conserve strategic additions to our network of permanently protected forests, lands and waters.
Forever Means Forever: Stewardship Funds
Our stewardship funds help support the perpetual care and management of our conservation areas and the conservation easements that we hold.
Land Action Fund
Because owners do not always have the capacity to donate their land or conservation easements, sometimes the Forest Society has to purchase land or conservation easements, at times quickly, in order to protect a property’s exceptional natural resources. The Land Action Fund provides funding to accomplish these important projects.
Policy Action Fund
Over more than a century, we’ve led numerous campaigns to protect special places, from Franconia Notch to Mount Monadnock. We defended the integrity of New Hampshire’s conserved lands by fighting and defeating Northern Pass. But, to protect New Hampshire’s forests we must be perpetually vigilant.
Stock Gifts
All depository eligible securities should be delivered to:
Charles Schwab & Co., Inc.
DTC Participant # 0164
Account: Society for the Protection of NH Forests
Account #: 70916103
Please notify Anne Truslow, Vice President of Development, of your transfer at 603-224-9945 x 319.
Nonprofit information: The Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests is a private, nonprofit membership organization. We are a registered 501c3 nonprofit. Our Taxpayer Identification Number is 02-0222237.
Legacy Gifts
Learn more about planned giving, our Assets to Acres program, and matching gifts.
Assets to Acres
Did you know that the Forest Society accepts gifts of other types of property, such as homes, undeveloped house lots, and commercial properties? We will even accept as a gift your existing conservation easement lands to keep as reservations or we may, when appropriate, re-sell the property to new owners, while still subject to the conservation easement.
Give Your Time as a Volunteer
Volunteer involvement has been a cornerstone to our success as one of the leading conservation organizations in the Northeast. Volunteers regularly contribute more than 6,000 hours a year to the Forest Society!