Forest Notes
Forest Notes is the Forest Society's quarterly member magazine featuring articles about land conservation, advocacy, recreation, forestry, and more.

Tree Mail: Monthly E-Newsletter
Hear about the latest New Hampshire conservation news, events, field trips, and more with our monthly Tree Mail e-newsletter. Read recent editions here.

The Forest Advocate
Stay connected with advocacy news from NH and DC by reading current and past editions of our Forest Advocate e-newsletter.

Conserving Your Land
Conserving Your Land is a guide for landowners, conservation commissions, citizens, and others interested in learning about land conservation options and techniques. Originally written in 2005 by the Forest Society's Center for Land Conservation Assistance, the guide has been revised and updated (2019).

A Forester's Guide to Conservation Easements
This straightforward guidebook is a terrific reference for owners of wooded land under conservation easement. This guide focuses upon the practice of forest management on easements held by the Forest Society. By George F. Frame, Consulting Forester.

Good Forestry in the Granite State
Recommended Voluntary Forest Management Practices for New Hampshire
A diverse team of the state's leading scientists and forest managers have developed this comprehensive guide to provide landowners with practical recommendations for sustainable forest management. The guide is touted as the best single source for advice on managing land effectively, responsibly and sustainably. If you care about your land, you need this guide.

A Guide to Logging Aesthetics
Practical Tips for Loggers, Foresters and Landowners by Geoffrey T. Jones, former director of land management for the Forest Society.

New Hampshire's Vanishing Forests
A report of the New Hampshire Forest Land Base Study by Sarah Thorne and Dan Sundquist, published in 2001.

New Hampshire's Changing Landscape
Population Growth and Land Use Changes: What They Mean for the Granite State, was published in 2005. An updated report followed in 2010.