We have three full-time regional stewardship managers on staff, as well as Director of Easement Stewardship Naomi Brattlof.
See the map below to determine which Regional Stewardship Manager is the contact for your area and biographical information for each staff member at the bottom.
Jack Minich and John Plummer have moved on to new adventures. Please contact Naomi Brattlof about northern and southwestern easements until we fill these positions.


Brie Belisle
Regional Stewardship Manager
As a Regional Stewardship Manager, Brie Belisle is responsible for ensuring the conservation values of protected properties are being upheld according to the terms of the deed. To accomplish this, the stewards monitor properties in person and through the use of aerial imaging technology. Brie also brings skills from her past work experiences in forest and agricultural planning to the team.
Before joining the Forest Society in October 2022, Brie worked in conservation planning with the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service. She worked with southern NH landowners to identify resource concerns and implement practices to improve and promote soil, water, air, plant, and wildlife health and diversity. She has worked towards NH’s state initiative programs from the New England Cottontail to the Great Bay Oyster Restoration projects.
When not working Brie can be found tending to her vegetable garden or studying women’s health and birth research to advance her professional knowledge as a Birth Doula.