Upcoming tour will focus timber harvest designed to favor a more climate-resilient forest.
- Tags:
- Forestry,
- Climate,
- Working Forests

Grapple skidder parked on landing of the Peirce Reservation in Stoddard. (Photo: Ryan Smith)
Join Forest Society staff and professional foresters for a FREE guided winter hiking tour of an active timber harvest at the 3,479-acre Peirce Reservation around the Bacon Ledge Trail. The harvest is taking place in a portion of less than 500 acres located on the southern portion of the larger protected forest with access from Old Antrim Road near the trailhead for the Bacon Ledge to Trout Pond trail.

The harvest tour on Saturday January 27 from 10 am to 1 pm will showcase different forestry prescriptions, logging machinery and wood on the timber landing with information on the goals of the harvest, skid trail layout, trees being harvested to favor desired future forest composition, information on cut log volume, values and current wood markets and site-specific considerations.
Discover why particular logging equipment and harvest prescriptions like ‘shelterwood’ and ‘thinning’ were selected for this project.
Learn about current threats to forest health and how this project is focused on growing a more climate resilient forest.
Explore the property’s hiking trail to the Bacon Ledge which will be maintained and improved following this current timber harvest.

Pre-registration is requested. Dress for the weather. Parking will be on an adjacent timber landing at the entrance to the Trout and Bacon Ledge Trail trailhead on Old Antrim Road in Stoddard.