Forest Society Blog - News & Features

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Colorful attire of Forest Society hiking group survey the edge of white pine woods on right side overlooking a clearing of dry goldenrod on left side managed for insect pollinators

LIVE and In-Person (!) Late October Field Trip Series

Dave Anderson | November 4, 2021

We were thrilled to see members in person during our fall guided hike series.

Yellow leaves of a Red Maple in morning sunlight October

Something Wild: Foliage tourists look for maples, not oaks

Dave Anderson, Chris Martin, Jessica Hunt | October 8, 2021

Did summer oak defoliation affect fall foliage season?

Red maple leaves in foregroud with green rows of Christmas Trees in background

Guided Hikes Series Starts October 3

Anna Berry | September 29, 2021

Three guided hikes to get members outside and learning more about history, forestry and stewardship.

Cross Laminated Timber I beam

Wood Markets: Opportunities for New Hampshire and the Northeast Region

Matt Leahy | June 17, 2021

Learn more about challenges and opportunities to strengthen wood markets in the Northeast.

Elyse Scott is pictured in her kayak.

Forest Society Welcomes Seasonal Staff

Anna Berry | June 10, 2021

Meet the interns and seasonal staff that you'll see at our reservations this summer and fall.

A closeup of male red maple flowers under female flowers.

Something Wild: Tree Sex

Dave Anderson, Chris Martin, Emily Quirk | April 23, 2021

Pollen is incredibly important to our survival, so we should give it the credit it deserves.

Onlooker of a view at Madame Sherri forest.

Celebrating Women of the Forest Society

March 18, 2021

There are so many amazing women involved with furthering the Forest Society's mission. This March, we highlight a few of these women and extend our appreciation to all women of the Forest Society and beyond.