Forest Society Blog - News & Features
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"The Merrimack: River at Risk" Selected for NH Film Festival
The festival will take place from October 6 through October 9 on the Seacoast.
- Tags:
- Clean Water,
- Climate

Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 Signed Into Law
Although the act's fundamental purpose is to stabilize and strengthen the economy, the legislation proactively takes on climate change.

Forest Society to host Climate Scientist Dr. Michael Mann at 121st Annual Meeting
The author of The New Climate War will appear at the Forest Society's annual meeting.
- Tags:
- Climate
New Hampshire Climate Assessment Released
Winters in our state are warming more rapidly than any other season.
U.S. Forest Services Releases Forests to Faucets 2.0
The Forest Service's Forest to Faucets program is a tool for understanding the role forests play in protecting the nation’s drinking water supplies.

Cottrell-Baldwin Series Kicks-off March 15 at Fox Forest
The annual series will take place at Fox Forest in Hillsborough.

Federal Infrastructure Legislation Funds Environmental Protection and Climate Change Efforts
Explaining the environmental and climate change related provisions in recently passed legislation.
Shelburne Valley Forest Receives $500,000 Land & Community Heritage Investment Program Grant
The Forest Society's Mahoosuc Highlands Initiative receives a big boost from NH LCHIP.
- Tags:
- Land Conservation,
- Climate