Forest Society Blog - News & Features

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Something Wild: Are there more bobcats in N.H.? Or just more wildlife cameras?

Dave Anderson, Chris Martin, Jessica Hunt | March 11, 2022

The number of pictures of bobcats in New Hampshire on social media has us wondering if there are more bobcats in New Hampshire?

Dark iridescent male turkey with blue and red head and a beard strutting against snowy white backdrop

Tom Turkey Display

Dave Anderson | February 25, 2022

The undeniably stronger late winter sunlight is the agent of change in the forests and fields of New Hampshire.

A Steller's sea eagle takes flight.

Something Wild: A rare Siberian eagle camps out in Maine - is it lost or is it exploring?

Dave Anderson, Chris Martin, Jessica Hunt | February 25, 2022

The surprise appearance of this massive rare bird – one of the world’s largest raptors – sent birders flocking to see it. The unexpected sojourn in New England raises questions about how birds navigate, colonize new areas, and find mates.

A photo of trees in sunshine underneath the words Cottrell-Baldwin Environmental Lecture Series with logos of the NH Dept of Natural & Cultural Resources and the Forest Society.

Cottrell-Baldwin Series Kicks-off March 15 at Fox Forest

February 22, 2022

The annual series will take place at Fox Forest in Hillsborough.

Something Wild: A resolution to go owling in the New Year

Dave Anderson, Chris Martin, Jessica Hunt | December 31, 2021

This New Year’s, resolve to get outside, be quiet and brave, and go owling.

Something Wild: The Many Benefits of Antlers

Dave Anderson, Chris Martin, Jessica Hunt | December 3, 2021

Decreased daylight lowers testosterone, which causes the connection between antler and skull to weaken and the antlers to fall off. In New Hampshire this typically happens in January, although it can vary. But that’s NOT the end of the story!

A snowy owl pauses on the ground in winter.

Something Wild: Keep An Eye Out for Rough-Legged Hawks

Dave Anderson, Chris Martin, Jessica Hunt | November 23, 2021

Rough-legged hawks fly 2000 miles from Nunavik to New Hampshire to winter here- keep an eye out for them!

Two hunters in blaze orange clothing in NH autumn woodland scene

It's Hunting Season

Dave Anderson | November 16, 2021

The presence of hunters can offend or even frighten some hikers unaccustomed to hunting activity.