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Cars line up on a road with telephone poles near the road.

InDepthNH: "No Quick Fix To State’s Energy Woes"

December 12, 2022

Gov. Chris Sununu once again last week proposed a Northern Pass lite, high-voltage transmission system to bring now cheap HydroQuebec power to New Hampshire to offset spiking energy costs.

NH State House dome seen from Conservation Center in winter covered in snow.

2023 Legislative Session Outlook

Matt Leahy | December 10, 2022

Here are the issue areas we believe will be of interest to environmental protection, renewable energy, and conservation stakeholders in New Hampshire.​

Canadian geese find open water at Lake Massabesic on an early spring day in March.

Study Finds Warming Winters Present a Serious Threat to Water Quality

Matt Leahy | November 27, 2022

The report found that climate change has increased cold season snowmelt, the amount of winter precipitation falling as rain, and the frequency of rain-on-snow precipitation events.


Colebrook's News and Sentinel: "No, governor: A North Country view"

November 25, 2022

Now that he’s not a candidate … and therefore we’re not violating our policy against promoting or disparaging candidates, it’s time to sound off a little about New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu.

Two people walk through autumn woods.

Report Highlights Outdoor Recreation’s Economic Contributions

Matt Leahy | November 21, 2022

The report estimates New Hampshire saw $2.6 billion in value added from the outdoor recreation sector in 2021.

A wild apple tree is covered in snow.

National Climate Assessment to be Updated: Information Session on December 1

Matt Leahy | November 20, 2022

The Global Change Research Act of 1990 mandates the U.S. Global Change Research Program prepare this report every four years.

Blue tarp covers cordwood for maple sugaring evaporator

Wood Heat Webinar

Matt Leahy | October 27, 2022

Are high fossil fuel heating prices are driving changes in policy and public perception towards wood heat?
