Forest Society Blog - News & Features

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Timber harvest notice on Forest Society lands

Forest Advocate: Mass Timber Construction Update

Matt Leahy | June 26, 2024

The ability of wood to store carbon in the long-term and the fact that manufacturing wood products requires less fossil fuels makes mass timber one way the country can meet the goals and guidance laid out in the DOE’s announcement. 

Solar panels at The Rocks in a Christmas tree field surrounded by wildflowers in summer.

Forest Advocate: New Climate Change Tools Released

Matt Leahy | June 26, 2024

Are you interested, and concerned, about how your hometown or favorite place to visit will feel like in the future as the World’s climate changes?


Forest Advocate: Proposed Farm Bill Reauthorization Contains New Forest Conservation Program

Matt Leahy | May 28, 2024

The Forest Society strongly supports the inclusion of FCEP in the next Farm Bill. 

Lilacs bloom outside the State House.

Forest Advocate: Legislative Update on Forest Carbon Market bills

Matt Leahy | April 29, 2024

Here's the latest on three bills considered by the NH legislature this session that are intended to address concerns about the forest carbon markets.

Red blossoms appear on tree tips against blue sky in spring.

Forest Advocate: Beyond the "Illusion of Preservation"

Matt Leahy | April 19, 2024

A new report discusses how New England can strengthen forest protections while sustainably meeting the region’s wood product needs. 

New Hampshire State House surrounded by trees and fall foliage in autumn

Forest Advocate: Updates on Management of the CT Lakes Headwaters Forest

Matt Leahy | April 18, 2024

As the holder of the conservation easement on the Connecticut Lakes property, the State has a duty to enforce the terms of the easement. 

The United States Capitol Building seen above a foreground of deciduous trees.

Forest Advocate: Support the Bartlett and Massabesic Experimental Forests

Matt Leahy | March 28, 2024

We urge you to contact the USFS to ask the agency to continue the long-term and peer-reviewed research at both these centers.

Forest Advocate Legislative Update: Current Use bill

Matt Leahy | January 30, 2024

The Ways and Means Committee will be meeting in early February to vote on the bill.