Forest Society Blog - News & Features

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A family carries a freshly cut Christmas tree in from the fields at The Rocks.

Forest Journal: The season to celebrate firs

Anna Berry | December 7, 2020

Here in northern New England, Fir trees thrive in the cool, moist climate, and there are some 500 Christmas tree farms across our two states.

The Rocks
Rows of green fir trees grow in fields at The Rocks

Something Wild: Christmas Tree Farms Are The Gift That Keeps on Giving

Dave Anderson, Chris Martin, Emily Quirk | December 4, 2020

This time of year, you're likely to see cars and pickup trucks heading home on the highways with fresh-cut Christmas trees tied to roofs or in the truck beds. Fraser firs, Korean firs, Balsam firs, and Spruce (ouch!)...

The Rocks' Trees For Troops Spread Holiday Cheer

Anna Berry | November 19, 2020

The Rocks serves as the pickup location for NH and VT for the Trees for Troops program.

The Rocks
A couple carries their Christmas tree at The Rocks.

Reserve Your Cut-Your-Own Christmas Tree at The Rocks

November 9, 2020

The Rocks' Christmas Tree Farm will still be welcoming families and visitors this holiday for cut-your-own trees starting November 21, but to keep customers and staff as safe as possible will require advance reservations.

The Rocks
The sun sets over a mountain view from The Rocks.

Remembering Rocks Volunteer Ann Gruczka

Nigel Manley | September 25, 2020

Annie Gruczka was a volunteer at The Rocks for nearly 25 years and a member of the Bretzfelder Memorial Park Committee.

Carriage House at The Rocks

Forest Society Plans New Conservation Center at The Rocks

Anna Berry | February 13, 2020

The Forest Society plans to renovate the existing historic Carriage Barn at the Rocks as its new “Forest Society North” Conservation Center.

The charred remnants are pictured after the fire at The Rocks was put out.

Union Leader: Forest Society announces campaign to renovate Carriage Barn at The Rocks Estate

February 13, 2020

One year after a devastating fire at The Rocks, the Forest Society announces plans for a major renovation project.